Your Rules

Here is where you will find the rules developed by you.

You might find a set of rules here that perfectly fit your life.

You might find some rules here that just need a little tweak and they'll fit perfectly.

You may need to tweak my rules and make them uniquely yours.

Have a go and let us know! Leave a comment below!

Debra's 7 KLossMyRules

  1. Limit sugar and wheat - allow yourself some.
  2. No starchy carbs after 5pm.
  3. Make food tasty.
  4. Eggs and Greek yoghurt are fantastic.
  5. Don't pick from the kids' plates.
  6. Control portion sizes - no seconds and use a smaller plate.
  7. Always have healthy snacks ready for emergency hunger.

Russ' 7 KLossMyRules

  1. No sugar.  Limit wheat.
  2. Eat protein with every meal and snack.
  3. No starchy carbs after 3pm.
  4. No alcohol - mostly water, tea and coffee ok in moderation.
  5. Cardio done in the morning before breakfast.
  6. Control portion sizes - stop eating when comfortably full.
  7. Be prepared!

Krish's' 7 KLossMyRules

  1. No sugar.  Limit honey.  Limit fruit.
  2. Eat protein with every meal and snack.
  3. Eat veggies freely to curb cravings.
  4. No starchy carbs ever.
  5. No alcohol - mostly water, tea and coffee ok in moderation.
  6. Limit snacks.
  7. Plan meals in advance, carefully!

Lisa's 7 KLossMyRules

  1. No sugar.  
  2. Control portion sizes.
  3. Have a vitamin-boost smoothie every day.
  4. No starchy carbs for evening meal.
  5. No alcohol - replace squash with diluted fruit juice and limit caffeine.
  6. Have breakfast every day.
  7. No bread.

Steph's 7 KLossMyRules

  1. No sugar.  
  2. Control portion sizes - use a smaller plate.
  3. No bread, no pasta.
  4. No starchy carbs after lunch.
  5. Limit alcohol.
  6. Always make a weekly meal plan.
  7. eat protein with every meal.

Liza's 7 KLossMyRules

  1. Limit sugar.  
  2. Limit wheat/flour.
  3. Limit alcohol to weekends.
  4. Fill up on protein and vegetables.
  5. No starchy carbs after lunch.
  6. Don't allow myself to get desperately hungry - plan!
  7. Always start the day with a good breakfast.

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