K-Loss MyRules FAQs

Why do the K-Loss Rules work?

K-Loss works because it is about you taking control and being in control; not having someone else telling you what to eat and when to eat it.  It's about autonomy.  
It also works because it teaches you how to change what you eat and how you eat it so that you understand why and can manage it on your own.

Why is the dialogue so important?

It's vital to talk through with someone each week what is working and what isn't.  You learn from your successes so it's really important to work out what you are doing that works.  It's also essential that you learn what doesn't work so you don't waste time repeating mistakes.  

Can’t I just eat whatever I want?

Of course.  If you want to continue along the path you are already on. 

If, alternatively, you want to forge a new path then you are going to have to make changes and this will involve saying no to some things.  You will have to find some will-power and you will have to be strong when other people try to sway you. 

You are going to have to find that strength you have hidden until now.  It is there.  Inside you.  Use it!

I’m sticking to the rules but my fat loss has stalled.  I’m not gaining weight but neither am I losing.  What should I do?

You need to work out why.  You do already know why, you just need to identify it, talk about it and then do something about it.
·      Are you eating too much?  Could your portion sizes be trimmed a little?  As you lose weight, you need fewer calories to maintain your weight, so you will need to gradually cut the amount of food you consume to keep the weight loss going.
·      Are you snacking between meals, albeit healthy snacks?  Could some of these be cut? 
·      Are you eating too many high calorie foods?  Nuts, for example, are great but you only need a small handful a day – not a whole bag – if that.
·      Are you cheating?  It’s so easy to ignore and then forget the little naughties.  Make sure you are aware of everything you eat – this has the added advantage of helping you to sub-consciously adjust each meal you eat based on the last thing you ate, which is how ‘naturally’ slim people seem to manage to stay ‘naturally’ slim.

What if the rules I have created aren’t working?

Then they need further tweaking.  Look back to my original rules; it may be that you have moved too far away from them.

This is why regular discussions with someone really help.  This dialogue helps you to unravel what works and what doesn’t but more importantly why. 

How can I lose weight if I’m not on a low fat diet?

Fat is not what makes us fat.  Sugar is what makes us fat.  If you have cut wheat, then all the bad fats will automatically have been eliminated too.  All the fats that remain, whilst high in calories, are good fats! 

Saturated fats that you find in coconut and animal fats are fine!  They really are.  They are natural and they haven’t been messed with.  They aren’t processed in the same way the trans fats in baked goods have been.  Keep away from all that orange food!

What is so bad about sugar?

It’s in everything processed – even the savoury stuff!  Look at the ingredients lists of pasta sauces, cooked chicken, pizza toppings – full of sugar!

It is super high in calories and delivers zero nutritional value.  In the quantities we are able to consume it, by eating processed foods, our bodies cannot process it fast enough.  Sugar is stored primarily in muscles and then the liver and when they are full, the remaining is turned to fatty acids and stored in fat cells.  Once our fat cells are as full as they can be, our body actually makes more fat cells!  Fat cells cannot be destroyed, only shrunk.

Stay away from the white stuff and in a couple of weeks you will genuinely be able to appreciate the natural sweetness that you have been denied tasting for so long.

Do I need to do exercise to lose weight?

No but it is a great catalyst.

As I stated above, carbohydrates (sugars) are stored in the muscles and liver before the remainder is turned to fat; so it stands to reason that the higher your percentage of muscle mass, the more scope there is for carbohydrate storage! 

Exercise changes your blood chemistry as well, enabling you to metabolise fat more easily.

Exercise, particular resistance training makes you feel powerful and in control – a great mental state for helping you to achieve your goals!

Exercise can also help to alleviate depression, a bad back and many minor aches and pains you may put down to getting older.

Why no starchy carbs after 3 o’clock?

This is an arbitrary time that suits me as I have to pick my kids up from school around 3pm.  So before I gave up starchy carbs to control my blood glucose better, I could have some oatcakes or something as a snack before I went to pick them up from school. 

By eliminating starchy carbs from your evening meal, you are easily cutting your daily caloric intake.  The rule could have been no starchy carbs after midday or no starchy carbs for your evening meal.  3pm just happened to suit my lifestyle.

What’s wrong with starchy carbs?

Nothing.  However, by cutting them from your evening meal, you are just cutting your daily calorie intake, which all helps to aid weight loss.

Secondly, carbohydrates, particularly starchy carbs (like potatoes, rice, pasta, bread etc.) are turned by your body into glucose (sugar) as soon as you start eating them.  If eaten in large quantities, this can lead to sudden spikes in blood glucose and a subsequent dip, leaving you feeling tired and lethargic (ever need a doze on the sofa after a Sunday roast?). 

You don’t need to cut starchy carbs unless you want to but just start to be aware of how you feel when you eat them.  Personally, I have found by not eating starchy carbs at all, my energy levels are more stable but this is a totally personal choice.

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