The Laws

Law 1.

Discuss your fat loss journey weekly with a talking partner who is willing to hold you accountable.

This is very, very important – regular dialogue is one of the most vital aspects of KLossMyRules

As you begin to adapt the rules and wriggle them into place within your own life, it is vitally important to discuss regularly with someone what is going well and why and what hasn’t worked so well and why.  This way, you build on successes and ensure mistakes aren’t repeated. 

My nutrition management clients discuss with me weekly (sometimes daily) how they are progressing and where they need to go next.  You can talk with anyone who is willing to listen, who is willing to ask you, ‘Why?’ 

The important thing here is observing your own behaviour closely and questioning what went wrong and how you can prevent that from happening again in the future with careful planning as well as identifying your successful and positive behaviour so you can replicate it in the future.

If you don’t have anyone who fits the bill, I can be your talking partner, over the phone, Skype, FaceTime or email.

You can sign up with me, if that suits you, for just £30 a month, and I can be your talking partner - helping you to discover what your personal barriers are and how you achieve your successes so they can be built upon.  Contact me for more information.

Law 2.

Act on what you discover about yourself - your habits, your barriers and your triumphs.

Make sure all the discussions about your nutrition that you have help you to not repeat mistakes by planning carefully for future eventualities.  Make sure you build on successes by actually making sure you do what works.

It’s no good dissecting your behaviour and attitudes to food if you don’t act on your observations accordingly.  Be honest.  Don’t beat yourself up.  Learn from successes, move on from failures and be the person who changes their life!

Law 3.

Understand this is not a diet.

You need to understand that what you are doing here is making a lifestyle change.  You are making alterations to a lifestyle that isn't working out for you - alterations that will change your life!  A diet is a finite thing, it has and end and therefore it ultimately stops working.  The KLossMyRules are rules for life.  NOT A DIET!  This is why they have to be realistic but at the same time effective.

And while we’re on the topic, diets involve scales.  It’s time to free yourself from their tyrannical grasp!  Whilst I understand that it is nice to see the numbers coming down and that it can be a real boost, it also means that when the numbers stay the same or even go up it can be devastating and very counter-productive. 

If you must weigh yourself, make sure it's no more than once a week and look for a downward trend (a downward trend may include blips that go up).  If possible, use scales that tell you your body fat as that can come down while your weight goes up – pounds can always be water but less body fat is just that, less body fat!

Try to focus more on how you look and feel.  How are you energy levels?  How do your clothes fit?  These are far better markers for success than scales!

Once you're happy with these laws, it's time to look at the starter rules.

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